Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's a Little Bit Funny . . .

I've been giving some thought to my upcoming Mexico trip. Wait - that's not really true. Or that's not exactly right. I've given a LOT of thought about this trip.
I was wondering what it will be like when we stay at the church in San Diego - all 25 of us.
And it's going to be Saturday eve. so of course we need to be all packed up and out of there by a certain time the next morning - before folks begin to arrive for Sunday school and church services.
I was wondering why this had me a little nervous. Then I remembered a funny story - that wasn't too funny at the time.
We were traveling with our family - eight of us at the time - one summer. And we were "camping out" in churches at the time. Because missionaries with large families driving from Washington State to Washington D.C. for a Conservative Baptist Annual Conference can't afford 3-4 motel rooms each night.
We were in Wyoming on a Saturday night and made sure to find out what time we needed to be out the next morning. The pastor or deacon who let us in said that by 8:30 someone would probably be coming in to fix coffee and that Sunday school started at 9:00.
Ben and Carrie and Katie got up early the next morning and I let Susi and the older kids sleep a bit longer while at 7 a.m. I took the younger ones down to the kitchen to feed them breakfast. There we were eating our cereal at about 7:30 (Pacific Time) when a couple arrived to get the coffee brewing!
I guess they could tell I was a bit puzzled and kept checking my watch. I finally realized that we had crossed a time zone the day before and I had neglected to make the adjustment.
I quickly got Amanda up to help me with the 3 who were finishing eating. I awoke Susi (in the sanctuary) with the bad news that she had less than half an hour to be dressed and "presentable." And I got Kaleb & Nate to help me start throwing sleeping bags, pillows and luggage into our Vanagon and tent trailer.
I was scheduled to speak to the Adult Sunday School class about our campus ministry, so shortly after 9 a.m. (Mountain Time), I was gathered with a group around the same table where I was eating breakfast with the kids half an hour before. It all worked out. We were even able to laugh about our mistake.
No need to worry though. We don't cross any time zones between here and San Diego. So when do we go on Daylight Savings Time?


Amanda said...

hahahaha. i do remember that! not so funny at the time, but seems pretty typical now. that trip had quite a few of those kind of stories...actually all our trips had stories galore. good times. does it help you to realize eventually you're just going to laugh about whatever happens this mexico trip? like when we were driving through LA looking for an in&out and ended up driving into a parking garage and scraping the van ceiling along the roof...hahaha. robbie wasn't laughing at the time, but it was pretty hilarious.

Matt N. Lundquist said...

Amanda - I do remember the parking garage. When he radioed to me in the other van I had visions of the van roof being torn off. I just read where someone was recalling memories of youth group choir tours and mentioned the bus breaking down! It strikes me that every mechanical breakdown we've had on a Mexico trip led to "special" memories.
- Dad