Saturday, March 31, 2007

What happens after death?

I was having pizza late at night with four old friends from High School. We had named a half dozen classmates who had died.
"I have a question," one friend interjected into the five-way chatter.
"Okay, let's hear Bruce's question." I suggested, trying to quiet the others.
"I want to know what Matt thinks about this." Bruce said, directing his question to me.
"So what's the question?" I said, hoping it would be a good one.
"I want to know," he began, "if there's a purpose to all this?"
By now we had the full attention of the other three and they were awaiting my response.
"It would seem that human life is full of purposes, large and small, good and bad, worthy and worthless. We choose our goals and adapt means to ends in trying to reach them. That's what it means to be a rational creature." I continued,
"So why would the Creator of the Universe be any less purposeful about His creation. Of course from our perspective we can't always see or understand His plans and purposes."
I went on to talk about the importance of relationships, and how God wants us to have a relationship with Him.

My time alone with Bob centered on what was coming next for him and also what he would want to happen at his funeral.
"I know that Jesus loves me." he declared confidently.
"What if God asks you why He should let you into heaven?" I asked.
I told him that the only answer would be because of what Christ has done, not our own efforts. He agreed.
The pace of the trip was a bit of a whirlwind, going from one thing to the next. But I saw a lot of people and enjoyed the interaction.

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